Thursday, October 18, 2007

Assignments, Poker, Immigration

Next Week:
General Education, Spring class scheduling, degree programs, credit through testing, graduating "on time," majors, etc. Be prepared to ask questions about these items.

Wed/Thurs: Writing. We will look at common problems in writing college papers, and ways to improve writing and research.

In other news:

The online poker cheating scandal at Absolute Poker has been blown wide open. See how a part owner of Absolute Poker appears to have been involved. This is a good lesson in Freakonomics' emphasis on trust in business dealings.

The Freakonomics blog posted an interview with British economist Phillip Legrain on how more immigration would actually help the U.S. economy. Legrain also argues that "freedom of movement is one of the most basic human rights." This idea seems to go against much "conventional wisdom" regarding immigration. Are more fortified borders "good" conventional wisdom or "bad" conventional wisdom?