Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Personality/Political Typology Test


Click this link, take the test (about 10 mins), then print your four-letter type and bring it to class with you on Monday.

Also, take the Pew Center's Political Typology test. Print your results and bring them to class.


No class on Tuesday. You folks will have to miss out on this fun. I know you are bummed about that.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Week 7: Debate Watch! Lib Assignment Due

Debate Watch: Tues, Oct 7 from 6 pm-1o.30 pm IN DIDDLE ARENA. The actual debate begins at 8 pm. BE THERE!

M/W Classes: Library Assignment due by midnight on Fri, Oct 10.

T/R Classes: Library Assignment due by midnight on Thurs, Oct 9.

We will be finishing our unit on classroom strategies this week, and I will be giving you a short writing assignment on Wed/Thurs that will be due next week.